
Google Age staff CPD sessions

Page history last edited by bradyx 12 years, 3 months ago

Google Age staff CPD sessions - Disseminating the need to support information literacy



The course 'The rise and pitfalls of the Google Age' was a staff CPD session written in response to the results from the information seeking research tasks in the baseline stage of our digital literacy project.



The CPD course is offered throughout the year for staff to attend. It has also become a mandatory part of the ILT CPD offer on college-wide teacher education days. 


This session lasts an hour and a half and covers the following outcomes:


  • Objectives:

    • To identify the strengths and weaknesses of using Google
    • To experience Google searching and the strengths or pitfalls of Google searching
    • To understand any weaknesses teachers may need to address if they are to direct students to Google
    • To discuss techniques to scaffold Google searching for FE


The course has activities such as:


Activity: Thinking back to the past - sharing and remembering  - what was likfe like before the internet, google, mobile phones - how did we access and use information/communicate/publish

Activity: Identifying and discussing the key benefits and drawbacks of using Google in education

Presentation: The student results from the digital literacy information seeking task - discuss some of the key findings e.g. why learners turn to Google even when they know the exact book they need to answer a question easily is less that 5 meters away from them? Why do learners copy and paste a paragraph into google search box rather than disect the question and break it into keywords? Why are they not finding the correct information? Why are they relying on Google results rather than a teacher's word?

Hands-on activity: participate in and experience the information seeking task for themselves

Discussion: Information searching techniques/results of mature versus younger learners (teachers v learners) and a-level versus vocational results (academic v vocational)

Discussion: The scaffolding of information seeking in lessons and learning (embedding info seeking skills) - discussion of finding information online, then copy and pasting - the barriers to learning

Final discussion: to address the issues of copy and paste: "Copy and paste is an issue that is echoed by many including our project findings - but what strategies can we use to authenticate this in teaching and learning - When/how can we make copy and paste appropriate? Or Should We?"



We also offer a slightly trimmed version without the hands-on information seeking task inlcuded. This cut-down session lasts only an hour, but includes a greater element of discussion of the key issues.


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